Love, Life and the Whole Karmic Enchilada; The Very Secret Diary Of A Scientist

A Chris-in-the-morning inspired blog. Somewhere I can hypothesis on human nature and narrate my own journey of self discovery. That sounds so cheesy! Basically somewhere that I can just spill out the contents of my head.

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Thursday, November 03, 2005
My email to Darren:
Hey! So good to hear from you! For the last hellish week I've been thinking I should email Darren! I haven't emailed him for ages. Things are good down here. Sort of. Lab work is hectic, I had to give a presentation on monday to the people in my lab (all PHd students and lecturers). The presentation went well, but I realised how much I still have to do and how many little things I need to know that I don't.
Yes it is spring here and very soon summer. I'm starting to get my tan back now that I've just lost it. I know I hear you laughing, I'm not exactly the poster child for sun-browned skin. Anyway the weather has really changed my mood recently. I think it was something to do with coming into the middle of winter and all of a sudden having no vitamin D production. Anyway now I just go for a walk or bike ride when I get stressed, it helps to be able to get outside. I just keep thinking to myself I just have to get through the next 4 months then I'll be fine. Then I have to get a job. Can you guess what my dream job right now is? I don't think so. The answer, a lawnmowing person. Crazy huh? But with the weather at the moment it would be lovely outside all day it's good work. Not too much thinking involved. More than one person hs pointed out to me that it wouldn't be so nice when it starts to rain, but I don't think I'd mind. I think I just need a break from science right now. I'm considering doing a teaching English as a second language course, and maybe going to Japan this coming year. Maybe not. If you stay and work in NZ they wipe the interest off your student loan so maybe I should work here for a year or so.
I've really been getting into my Japanese drumming recently. It's all good though, we've got gigs coming out of our ears. We have this coming weekend free, then we're basically booked until Christmas. It's the only social interaction I get outside of the lab (other than Julie, Tilly and I geting together, watching Sex and the City and cursing about men. Which I don't think counts.).
If I know anyone who could flirt with someone who doesn't speak the same language it would be you.I saw those photos in that album you sent me a link to. Some incriminating pictures there huh. So you were teaching that girl how to dance? The salsa was it? Sounds familiar. At least you seem to have been having fun, even if you are freezing your bits off ^_^ Some of the pictures from your labs, I think they were, looked interesting. How are the classes going? Are they as good as you hoped? How's the shadowing of the paediatrician (I'm sure that's what you said). And do you seriously have to watch out for racist skinheads? That can't be fun.
I saw something recently about Russia where people are drinking themselves to death because vodka is so cheap. Have you been drinking much over there? Do they have Cruzan rum? I'm still on the look out for it over here. Although at my sister's 21st one of her friends have a bottle of homemade coconut rum, I thought it was pretty good. Although I might not have thouhgt that had I not had quite as much vodka earlier that evening.
I'll tell you, you're not the only one still holding onto Lewes, to calm you. Sometimes I wonder what happened to the person that went to New York and Trenton. It's funny, sometimes I'll be in the lab pouring a gel or something and all of a sudden I'll remember something like the wind in Cape May that night, and how cold it was, and watching the sun rise. Or even just going to the Superfresh or something stupid like that. Then I'll stand there in the lab giggling to myself. Not too long until you're finished though. Are you looking forward to getting back to the states? Decided what you're going to do about your last semester? You still going to do the Phys Ed paper? If I were you I'd head somewhere nice and warm though. I'm feeling cool just sitting here thinking about you in Russia.
As for that bar tab, well we haven't been to the quiz for a couple of months now, because Tilly figured out that her flatmates Kiri and Steve were respectivly, a psycho and a racist South African. But we've been getting together and drinking decent amounts of wine instead.
Anyway I'm sitting here in the lab procrastinating. Tsk tsk. I took my stuff over to sequencing earlier and the only other thing for me to do is statistics. And it's friday afternoon. Stats on friday. Huh! ^_^
I hope the rest of your time in the motherland goes swimmingly ^_^