Love, Life and the Whole Karmic Enchilada; The Very Secret Diary Of A Scientist

A Chris-in-the-morning inspired blog. Somewhere I can hypothesis on human nature and narrate my own journey of self discovery. That sounds so cheesy! Basically somewhere that I can just spill out the contents of my head.

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Sunday, May 01, 2005
As ever I turns to my blog to be that ever trustworthy friend you whisper the name of you current crush to. It seems that the only time I ever remember to update my blog is when I have a romantically themed post to enter.
For a start I decide to find out today, just when George and I started emailing each other. 26th April. Okay so I missed our anniversay. Does that make me a guy? I emailed him tonight anyway. I also told him how weird it is to think of that person, who a year ago called out for some support, someone to listen. How different I am from me then. But I'm not that different. I guess I've just learned that it's not the end of the world if you get burned. And thanks to the support of people like Julie, Tilly, Asha, Erin and of course George, who understood what I was going through, I've come through it. Now I play social sports I go to dinners hosted by people I've only ever said 'Hi' to in the lab (and I learned that they're quite happy to get to know me.), with a flatmate who only moved in a week and a half before. I jouined Taiko and made friends with new people. I'm still geeky, cautious Me, but I've realised maybe I can put my caution away sometimes and things will still turn out alright.
Anyway, romantic theme... Yes there is a new guy I like. Maybe not so new. Here be the story.
So of course when I entered the TRU lab I immediatly surveyed the guys and evaluated each one. Tom: Good looking, nice, good reports from Farina, Lisa and others. David: Very good looking, very into Reggae (which I am not), smokes marajuana (which I don't). Charlie: Good loking, got the asian think going, smart but quite aloof at times. Christophe: Quiet, Pretty good looking, also into Reggae like David maybe not so much, quite charming.
Some of this information was gained at aforementioned dinner which Christophe hosted and Rochelle talked me into going to after she'd been in the lab a week. The reggae stuff for instance and how charming Christophe could be. At the time I thought maybe he liked me a little but was also just friendly. Late I realised he was like that with everyone and he was just beeing a very good host.
In order to cut the story shorter, I will leave out the usual misleading tangential storylines I so like, that usually finish with the twist that would expose the guy I really like, as the one I have lead the audience to believe least likely.
Charlie: Has a girlfriend, turned out to be nice guy but I wouldn't want to date him. Tom: Rochele asked him to a movie. They went, she said she liked him, he said he's not over Ex yet. She said yeah me neither. So he's off the radar (which strangly enough relived me. Maybe I wasn't really interested in him but just felt obliged to be because he scored highest on my criteria. David: Plays flirting games with all the women in the lab, nothing there I don't think I'd want to date him anyway. Not my type of guy. Christophe: Being that I have eliminated all the other guys it falls to Christophe to be my chosen crush.
Okay so he didn't_just_ get the position by default. He really did charm me (intentionally or not) at his dinner. Rochelle thinks he really sleazy. He does have an odd relationship with Amy. A kind of flirty relationship. But I think it's just a friendly thing. Amy is very friendly.
But I have to go now to watch Eastenders. I will try to make sure I come back and tell about the recent developments in the Christophe saga. The dream, the quiz, the looks etc.

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