Love, Life and the Whole Karmic Enchilada; The Very Secret Diary Of A Scientist

A Chris-in-the-morning inspired blog. Somewhere I can hypothesis on human nature and narrate my own journey of self discovery. That sounds so cheesy! Basically somewhere that I can just spill out the contents of my head.

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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
As usual my blog entries turn to matters of the heart.
I realise now that my passing fancies for Tom, Christophe and even thoughts on David were just that passing fancies. I've been so desperate recently that anything that's male and seems half decent (or maybe a quarter in the case of David) seems to warrant my consideration.
But I have come to realise how foolish I was now that I have met someone genuinely worthy. Well you know what I mean.
Actually I met him first a couple of months ago. We have only met so far in large group situations and have never eally had a chance to chat. I thought he was good looking and seemed nice enough. A little quiet and reserved, but that's usually how I like my guys. Anyway, last saturday we had drinks at our flat here and then went into town. I got to chat with him a little in a group before we went into town. And I'm not sure if I was seeing what I wanted to see or not, but I think there may have been some looks passed between us in the club. When the party came back to ours that morning we got the chance to chat more. There being only a few of us and eventually on 3 of us chatting until 6 in the morning. At some point around 3 I think, something just clicked. Now I know it's a big ol' cliche the whole 'we just clicked' thing. But I swear I just about heard the sound. At one point he wanted to look at my CDs. So I let him but warned him that they weren't a very good selection. So what does he do? Stands there saying 'This one is good. And this artist is pretty good. I have this album' etc etc and so on and so forth. The he was saying that he could give me some CDs because he's got heaps of music. I thought that was really nice and I was flattered that he was paying attention to me.
The next day(or later that day, really) I found I was thinking about him an awful lot. And I was getting a little fluttery too. I haven't felt like that since Cloud. But I also thought 'Yeah right at 4 in the morning he says he'll give me some CDs. Whatever. He'll forget.'
Monday I come back from home, go into the lab and there's a package for me on my desk. Yep CDs. If I'd felt fluttery before I had a cyclone in my stomach now. There was also a note from him, wishing me good fun on my trip, enjoy the music and bring back some sunshine. I thought this was nice but was too afraid to read any further into it. I'm terrible at picking up signs as evidenced by my thing with Matt.
However I showed Rochelle and she pointed out that he'd written the note on the inside of the paper used to wrap the CDs. This suggested it was kind of a private message and that he must like me. I didn't let myself get too worked up over this nuance. Then when I showed Tilly she came to the same conclusion as Rochelle as did Julie. So I got hopeful.
I then charged Rochelle with the task of finding out from David, while I'm away whether or not Julien has a girlfriend. Rochelle came back from Hockey practice last night and knocked on my door.
'He doesn't have a girlfriend.' She says. She'd gone up to the labs after hockey to do some readings and David was there. So she walks up to him and says
'Does Julien have a girlfriend?'
David replies,
'No but he's looking for one. Does Megan have a boyfriend?'
Rochelles response was hmmmm. Somethings going on.
Basically David was impressed with the fact the Julien gave me 12 CDs and figured he must like me. After all he knows his friend. So I was so excited last night it took me quite a while to get to sleep.
This afternoon in the lab David walks past and says to me
'Twelve CDs eh?' Gives me a suggestive look and carries on.
Then this evening we were in the tea room and he does it again. Then Rochelle tells me that he was saying a lot of nice things about me. And that apparently he went and told Julien about the 'Does Julien have a girlfriend' conversation with Rochelle just like she told me when she got back that night. Rochelle also said something to the effect that David thinks Julien would wait for me to get back.
I'm am so buzzing!!
I'm at that wonderful stage where all I can feel is happy when I think of him. Everything I hear about him is good. All about him is wonderful. I hope I get to go through this (and more) when I get back.
I just can't quite believe that someone I like, likes me back! That hasn't happened in such a long time. I almost don't want to go. I almost just want to stay to see how it plays out.
But I suppose this way I get the best of both worlds. I get the trip and hopefully when I get back the guy. Please let me get the guy. Let me get this guy. Please God, I like him so much.

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