Love, Life and the Whole Karmic Enchilada; The Very Secret Diary Of A Scientist

A Chris-in-the-morning inspired blog. Somewhere I can hypothesis on human nature and narrate my own journey of self discovery. That sounds so cheesy! Basically somewhere that I can just spill out the contents of my head.

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Monday, May 02, 2005
So... the Christophe saga. Things began to develop for me when I had a dream about him. Nothing dodgy, you can eb assured. I'm not sure I even remember it properly anymore. But basically I think he was my boyfriend in the dream. No wait. Now I remember. I was not last tuesday night but the one before the 19th April. In my dream I was in a barn (American type), there was straw on the floor and it was supposed to be some sort of pub type place. There were a whole bunch of celebrities doing a photo thing as well. A lot of the celebrities were native American. I saw the guy who played Billy Six-killer on Renegade there. Not sure if Eric Schweig was there though. #sigh#. I think I was there for a special function. Then I was sitting at a bar that ran across the middle of the room, between the crowd and the celebrities. And Christophe sat to my right. The he put his right hand on my right hand which was holding a stein of beer. He was rubbing my hand with his thiumb, in a sort of comforting nice way. And he was sitting very close. I was very nervous. I could feel him right next to me and I knew he wanted me to face him so he could kiss me. But I was so nervous that I couldn't gather up the courage, even though I wanted to. Of course I had nervous flutterings everytime I saw Christophe the next day.
Then I woke up. Anyway then on Wednesday Rochelle convinced me to go to a pub quiz that Tom had invited her to. So I went as well. Thought it might be fun. A couple of rounds into the quiz guess who turns up?
Yep, and guess who he sits next to? Yep on my right. And closely because we had about 10 people around a small table. And he kept leaning over to see what answers we had written down for each question. It's not often my dreams come true and damn me if I didn't take it for a sign. So then I began thinking whether or not Rochelle view of Christophe had been biasing my own opinion of him. And I think it was.
Chapter 3 to follow. In which I talk about Tesha's comments and the next wednesday.

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