Love, Life and the Whole Karmic Enchilada; The Very Secret Diary Of A Scientist

A Chris-in-the-morning inspired blog. Somewhere I can hypothesis on human nature and narrate my own journey of self discovery. That sounds so cheesy! Basically somewhere that I can just spill out the contents of my head.

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Friday, May 06, 2005
Well the Chritophe saga is ended before I can even finish chronicling it. Oh well. I think it's better that it's over. I think.
So last night we our dinner, me and Rochelle. I was getting along quite well with both Tom and Christophe. (Better than expected with Tom). So of course being me I thought, 'Oh romantic oppurtunities here'.
In the end it turns out not so. Tom has some problems and drank quite a lot when we in town later. Something to do with an ex I think. I think the drinking might be a kind of regular thing. The real clincher was just how much he reminded me of Dad when he's drunk. So scratch Tom.
Christophe is in love with someone else, someone who apparently doesn't want him. So I can feel for him. I'm just not quite sure yet whether or not the girl he's fallen for is his flatmate Kezia. Who is very good looking, smart and lovely (and German), and who Christophe couldn't take his eyes off all night. But then neither could Alexei and Dan.
I have to admit that if I leaned that way Kezia might just be my type. Something about her is very appealing in a good way. Not just good looking, good natured and smart too. So I can't blame him I guess.
I just feel a little depressed today because all my potential romantic options were blown out of the water.
There is always jeremy, but I haven't seen hi in ages and I don't feel all upset and missing him etc. So I'm not sure there's anything there on my part.
Well I was feeling all upset at always being upstaged by other girls until Tom and Christophe just came into the lab a couple of minutes ago. I was chatting away etc. So I guess I wasn't really THAT set on either of them. At least I've got a couple of friends now. Possible connections to new nice guys. ^_^
Anyway time to leave the labs. off to Raglan later. With Christophe. Irony huh. Meeting up with David there. It'll be nice to be near the beach for a bit. Just got to try not to spend all my money now.
Skrig skrig You've got red on you.

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