Love, Life and the Whole Karmic Enchilada; The Very Secret Diary Of A Scientist

A Chris-in-the-morning inspired blog. Somewhere I can hypothesis on human nature and narrate my own journey of self discovery. That sounds so cheesy! Basically somewhere that I can just spill out the contents of my head.

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Woah! I'm well tipsy at the moment! Another $100 bar tab drunk and we didn't w98in this wek. eobably best. They might not lt us bvack if we won 3 weeks in a row.
And it'd good to build up my alcohoiol tolerance before i go to the staes. My typing is awful and this is after me correcting mistakes. I'm laughhing so hard right noew
I'm goingt to miss people so much.. Tilly and Julie and even Julien. I know that nothing official has happened betwen us.It's basically been conversations between Rpchelle and David but I REALLY like him. Which I don't get. I've never liked a guy this much without really knowing him before. Apparently David says he thiks Julien will wait for me. I REALLY hope he does. I really like him. I've never felt like this abouita guy before.
I'm falling sideways off my chair.
I'm surprise dI can even tupe legibley. Is that even a word. I'm very tipsy. I onl;y had 2 1/2 glasses of wine and one and a half handles of beer.
I'm listening to Dido, Life for Rent, which Julien gave me. I hope he wais for me. Is 2 1/2 months too long for a frenchman to turn down other offers? I',m going to get his emailfrom David tmorrow.
How long has it been since a guy I like, likes me back?
I really can't type so well. 've never written a dary entry drnk before. I'm kipping vowels.
Oops and consonants.
What is wrong with me! Alcohl that's what. I don't wammnt to go. I want to saty and see how things go with JUlien. When I'm not thinking about important stuff I'm thinking about him. He's my nes limerent objet. But I thinkit' more than thsat. He's not just a limerent opbject. I clicked with him. I really did .
I'm going to publish this post now before my pelli g ets NY WORSE. dOMINIC mONAGHAN IS hoT. Oops I hit the caps lock.

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