Love, Life and the Whole Karmic Enchilada; The Very Secret Diary Of A Scientist

A Chris-in-the-morning inspired blog. Somewhere I can hypothesis on human nature and narrate my own journey of self discovery. That sounds so cheesy! Basically somewhere that I can just spill out the contents of my head.

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Tuesday, July 05, 2005
Well here I am in America. I didn't realise I hadn't posted anything in here since I arrived. It's aonly a few weeks until I leave now.
It was about time I decided that I begin writing about something that has been happening to me over here.
His name is Darren and he's from Trinidad. So when we first met I pretty much instantly liked him. Just in the sense that we got on well (I think it's something to do with a) not being American and b) coming from British type coutries. Not just the sports but the way of thinking too.). It helped that I also thought he was dead sexy. Ove rthe first week or so after he arrived we hung out together quite a bit. That was probably helped by the fact there were only 7 people in the house at that point. Myself, Katie, Mike, Diane, Laura, Ron and Darren. But even when more people moved in I found myself seeking him out when I wanted to hang out with someone. I was quite flattered when I noticed he was seeking me out too. I felt that we were becoming quite close. I also found myself thinking that it's a bit of a shame I'd already got Julien otherwise I'd be tempted to have my fling with Darren.
There is one conversation in particular I remember not long after we met. Somehow, I can't remember how, we were talking about our types. As in I go for geeky guys, he apparently goes for fit girls. Not thin but sportyish. At this point I put any thoughts of a fling out of my head. If he's telling me what his type is (obviuosly not me) then we've got a really good friendship going on. And just like with the Matt thing I'm quite happy to keep it friends because I eally like having this guy around.
Then we were supposed to be having a pirate party but we found out that the grad students at CMS here were having a bring an intern party on the same night and of course just about everyone else in the house are the interns that were being brought. So we all ended up at the grad student housing for the party. There was rum and a bit of tequila and everyone basically ended up getting pretty tipsy. Towards the end Darren and I were satnding together and we each had an arm around the others' waist. It was sort of a lets keep each other upright thing, but it was also a bit affectionate. It was really nice. I've never had a guy be affectionate to me like that in public.
Then there was another party about 2 1/2 weeks ago (about the middle of June) and everyone got a little drunk again. At some point during the early morning Darren grabbed me by the hand and proclaimed that he was going to bed and that he was going to sleep in my bed. So I giggled and followed. we lay down on my bed together and chatted and giggled for about half an hour. Then Katie came up to bed, turned the light off and went to sleep. So there we are lying in the dark with Katie asleep across the room.
Then he kissed me. And I kissed back, and there was more kissing. And then there was his hand up my shirt and more kissing and then his hand down my pants and more kissing and my hand down his pants and being as I'm the only person who'll read this I know where it went. That was a first for me. Darren stayed until about 7am when he decided to go back to his own bed.
I didn't know where things were going to go from there. The next day I didn't see him much because I went into the labs and had brunch at books by the bay. Things carried on pretty much as they had done before us being friends and chatting etc. Nothing more along those lines happened for the next week and I wondered if he was so drunk he didn't remember. But he wasn't drunk afterwards or the next morning. So I took it as a good sign that we were still talking. The next weekend was Trenton. Darren had offered to come to Trenton with me for the book signing and we slept on the steps of a church together. Not 'slept together' but we slept there because we couldn't find anywhere else. We talked about all kinds of stuff that night, embarrasing stories, ex's etc. Very good bonding.
Then last friday we had our 80s party, Katie had her boyfriend Luke over and Laura had said I could use the spare bed in her room to give Katie and Luke some privacy. I was moving my bedding down to Lauras at about 12:30 (after much card playing beer pong and general merrymaking) and Darren was on the phone upstairs in the hall. He asked what I was doing and I told him. Next time I walked past he said I'm sleeping in Lauras room with you tonight (His roomate Alex had his girlfriend staying.). So I went back downstairs and played more beerpong and eventually went to bed. A while later there was a knock on the door and Darren came in. I made room for him on the bed and he lay down. I turned the light off and pretty much straight away it starts. He was kissing me and I was kissing back. He started pulling off my pants and then his came off too and our tops. Then he asks if he should go get a condom. I said yes.
Why? I know I've got Julien waiting back home. It's not like I think it's going to be ages until I get some. But I really liked Darren, I've been very tempted by him since I met him. Also I guess I wanted to have my fling. Just to do that once in my life, I'm not a fling type person but here in America it's different. Also it'll probably be my only chance to get with a black guy and I wanted to find out if what they said about black guys was true.
I believe it is. One thing I have to say for black guys (provided Darren is an acurate representation of the general black male) is stamina. He just kept going and going and going.
I was actually sore in the morning. But it was fun. I did feel guilty about doing it in Lauras room and now I'm not sure if given the chance I'd sleep with him again or not. I kind of feel guilty about the whole Julien thing. But what happens in America stays in America and I haven't had an email from Julien in about a month. I've sent him 2 in that time. I know that apparently David is trying to set him up with another girl. Maybe he's been sucessful.
I am going to tell Natalie and Mum maybe Julie too. Although I'm not completely sure whe'll want o hear about someone else getting some. I'm also looking forward to showing them his picture 'casue he's hot.

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