Love, Life and the Whole Karmic Enchilada; The Very Secret Diary Of A Scientist

A Chris-in-the-morning inspired blog. Somewhere I can hypothesis on human nature and narrate my own journey of self discovery. That sounds so cheesy! Basically somewhere that I can just spill out the contents of my head.

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Sunday, August 07, 2005
Well this fish is back in it's natural habitat. Problem is, whilst living in a different environment this fish adapted somewhat. And now it's got to figure out how it fits into it's old environment.
Don't get me wrong it's great to be back, and great to feel wanted. It's just a little weird trying to figure out how I fit into my own world again, because things aren't the same.
I've got a whole other school out there that I belong too as well as my home school. And even though my new school is splitting up, already is - I miss you so much my Maryland fish- there's no way I'm gonna let them disappear from my life. I don't care what cold corner of the world they go to - my adventurous Lincoln fish- they're not gonna get rid of me that easy. I'm going to go back and visit them, all of them. My Maine fishes, my fiery Live free or die fish, my sweet sweet Georgian fish, my crazy Colarado fish, my mischevious William and Mary fish, my pure hearted tropical Puerto Rican fish, my hard working Indiana fish, my spunky Montana fish, my wonderful New York fish and my hip Brooklyn fish.
Big hugs to you ALL!

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