Love, Life and the Whole Karmic Enchilada; The Very Secret Diary Of A Scientist

A Chris-in-the-morning inspired blog. Somewhere I can hypothesis on human nature and narrate my own journey of self discovery. That sounds so cheesy! Basically somewhere that I can just spill out the contents of my head.

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Sunday, December 04, 2005
So I had the greatest weekend in Whangarei. And I don't know if was the talk of relarionship's and marriage in the car on the way back but I've got the ache. You know the one where all you want is someone to hold and have fun with and to understand/support you. That ache that's always there in the background.
I looked at my life recently trying to figure out what possibilities there were available to me of the male persuasion. The lab, aka Tom which is not going to happen. He's not my type. Nice but just not. That leaves Taiko Matt, David and Jeremy. Matt annoys the crap out of me half the time and although we seem to have things in common and I get along with him most of the time I think maybe he'd just be great to have as a friend and joke around with. David, I was warming to him getting to know a bit more about him and liking it. But apparently he's seeing someone just recently. So no go there unless Angela doesn't work out and somehow he becomes interested in me. Then there's Jeremy. So I've had this thing for him basically since I joined the advanced group, and as I get to know him more I like him more. We're quite alike (He's a virgo too), he's funny, he lovely. But then he's mormon. I know Natalie told me that Nat from Auckland's last girlfriend was mormon, so if a mormon girl can date a raging atheistic goth then surely...
I guess it depends on the individual and their family.
So I have not been letting myself get too interested in him, but now I think I slipped off the edge. Now I'm falling for him.

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